
She was still a child when she received the first Vision that showed her that she would write a ‘book’ . . .

Twenty years later, ‘The Voice’ told her to “Let go . . . You are needed now for something that only you can do” . . .

Within a year – immersed in transmissions of a planetary and cosmic scale that awoke her to a vast ‘context’ – vaster than her wildest dreams – ‘The Voice’ told her that “This ‘book’ is the present day version of the bible” . . .

This epic story tells a tale of deep courage and trust – in ‘the unseen’ – as she follows her innermost ‘Knowing’ to fulfill the ultimate destiny for which she was born . . .

the ‘christ’ is the energy

borne to bring ‘man’ Home to ‘god’



I Am You


The Creation of Adam – Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling

Humanity is on the brink of a tipping point unprecedented in our species – the potential for complete extinction – or of ‘ascension’ . . . Our demise is the ‘easy’ route . . . Our ultimate success has been paved by avatars throughout the ages – most recently Jesus . . .

And yet . . .

Why has it taken so long for the promised ‘second coming’? And . . . ‘what will it appear like’?

And too . . . ‘what does this have to do with non Christians’?

When she was told that ‘the book’ that she would ultimately scribe is to be “the present day version of the bible”, she was told also that “All the questions / ever asked / by human minds / through all of time / will be answered / in this book” . . .

Awed by the magnificent potential of this – and perplexed at the ‘scope’ which she assumed this implied – ‘The Voice’ delivered . . . “It is about Trust . . . Trust in the unseen benevolence that leads all Home” . . .

I Am You traces her initiation – from an innocent child to a deeply trusting ‘scribe’ . . .

As this journey flows with her ‘in’ it, deep truths are revealed – of what needs to heal for this ‘lift’ to occur . . .

This is no less than the complete healing of the collective human psyche – allowing and welcoming the new dawn of Collective Christ Consciousness upon planet Earth . . .

This is naught about ‘religion’ . . . It IS about awakening . . .

Her gift of rapid ‘understanding’ allows her to comprehend intricate complexities – and her gift of ‘articulation’ allows her to communicate simply such that all can comprehend . . .

This ‘book’ is a transmission . . . ‘She’ is merely an instrument . . .

In a very real sense, she is a ‘translator’ – stepping down cosmic vibrations and anchoring and integrating them into ‘normal’ human experience . . .

The reawakening of humanity – individually and as a species – becomes paramount and possible as the ‘wound’ of the crucifixion is completely purified . . .

A new dawn arises . . . A new breath flows in . . . and is released . . .

This is a ‘real time’ story . . .

This IS . . . I Am You . . .


The SEQUENCE of this ‘book’ is

This page is currently in construction 🙂

* We’d like to hear from you! Please share – what you are experiencing as you are reading I Am You, what is most inspiring to you, anything that you would like clarified – whatever you feel moved to express! . . . Share your ideas publicly in the ‘Comments’ area on the Home page or privately with us in the ‘Contact’ area below 🙂

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