


Ella’s been

given an


story to ‘tell’ !

Let’s begin at

the ‘beginning’

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Day One – I Am You

Bjorn, Helga, Aleska and Ella walked single file along the simple earthen path between the Monastery and the Main Temple. Bjorn in the lead, he, Helga and Aleska engaged in quiet, light-hearted banter to calm their nervous anticipation, while Ella – slightly back from the others in her own inner world – walked in a trance that allowed her alignment with the Divine just enough energy to move her feet one past the next.

They had arrived in India – this second time – two days prior, allowing them a sufficient ‘bridge’ to acclimatize to the altitude, the time zone difference of nine plus hours, and the potency of what was about to transpire.

Sparsely spaced rhododendron trees, tall as spires with their bright red blossoms, enveloped them in a haven of majesty as they walked this silent forest path.

During the two preceding days, Ella sat in lotus position on the stark bed in her monastery room. Silent and barely moving, she was experiencing for the first time ever what she now calls ‘third eye burn’ – an intensity of energy building up like a tantric burst at the centre of her brow. She could feel the potency percolating like an unstoppable eye of a tornado – as if the vortex in the centre of her forehead was full with horses at a gate, ready and eager to burst forth into a race they had trained their entire life to run as their one and only identity.

She could feel it – the razor’s edge of these very moments . . . It was as if she was walking a tightrope – and there was only one chance – a chance so vital to communicate with another incarnate soul who could understand what she Knew.

* Read the full Day One scribe – Day One – I Am You

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Day Two I Am You

We’ve decided to take a few days to share with you the ‘context’ of what we’re writing – the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ – not just the ‘what’ – as the whole idea of this epic writing is to invite you in as inclusively as possible as it is ‘birthed’.

What might be most compelling of all is ‘who we are each becoming as a result of me penning and you reading I Am You?’

This ‘book’ is meant to inspire you and as it passionately, discreetly ignites us all – becoming ever more fully the potent, benevolent, albeit sometimes latent Creators we each inherently are . . .

Some of the ‘how’ Ella and I are going about this colossal endeavor – for the scope of this story is enormous – is by writing it ‘from the ground up’. Everything needs to be rooted for it to be stabilized. A tree without a deep and wide enough grounding network can easily be washed away in a ‘flood’.

And so we intend to “start at the very beginning, [as] it’s a very good place to start”[1].

We’ll guide you via key elements of Ella’s remarkable life story to discover the inner power in your own. She will – in many ways – demonstrate the essential principles that are so tender at the heart of this precious story.

[1] Julie Andrews, in ‘The Sound of Music’ . . .

* Read the full Day Two scribe – Day Two – I Am You

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Day Three – I Am You

It’s amazing what a good rest can do – and I don’t just mean ‘sleep’ – I mean time to step back and gain perspective, and to digest. For we need to digest our life experiences – our inner impressions as well as our outer interactions – not just the food and drink we eat. And without vantage . . . how can we have clarity?

So you might get the sense that I feel refreshed this morning! Refreshed . . . and inspired 🙂

I am so thrilled that Ella has entrusted me to tell this tale. The more I step into its ‘storyteller role’, the more magical it becomes for me . . . How is this possible?!? It’s as if it’s taking on a whole new spectrum of life – as I tell it!

What a privileged position I am in. I feel humbly honored . . .

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So today we’re going to ‘complete’ the context sketching the ‘container’ in which this massive story will unfold.

Let’s begin by outlining the ‘arc’ that Ella and I have discussed, as a ‘template’ – an energetic blueprint, like a skeletal structure – around which the details of this story will form . . .

I Am You is a reflection of a very precious ‘quadrinity’.  Its ‘Prelude’ is currently visible only on the live website.  Its ‘Body’ is what we are writing now.  Once this is complete, we will bridge seamlessly to the writing of its ‘Completion’.  It is a complete mystery to us – even though we know clearly what it ‘represents’ – how its ‘Epilogue’ will be expressed!

I Am You – with its creative stages of inception, gestation, and birth – will present an arc of ‘horizontal . . . inclined . . . vertical’ . . .

* Read the full Day Three scribe – Day Three – I Am You

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Day Four I Am You

Ella saw the first vision when she was nine[1].

It’s not that she’d never heard of visions before. She grew up amongst plenty of French speaking Catholics in Montréal. And so she heard ‘via the grapevine’ – from a very young age – that there were people who ‘saw visions’ and ‘heard voices’ – people like Saint Francis of Assisi and Moses.

As a child, these were just ‘stories’ to Ella – stories of distant people from far away lands.

And so she never told anyone of her first vision – not because she was afraid to, or because she doubted it was ‘real’. Just because no one around her ever said that they saw visions.

Ella always felt that everyone – at their core – is equal. And so she never, ever perceived herself as ‘different’, or ‘special’ in any way. She saw visions. And if she ever did ponder it – which she didn’t – she might have assumed that everyone else was visited by visions, too. And that they, like her, just ‘kept them quiet, inside themselves’.

[1] In numerology, nine means ‘completion’ . . . In this particular mode of divination – the accessing of wisdom deep within content – the digits in numbers are added together to ascertain their total, which is always a number between one and nine . . . Ten equals ‘one’ (one plus zero) – the beginning of a new cycle . . . And so the ‘completion’ of what has been shown to Ella in visions since she was a young child is inherently encoded in the visions themselves . . .

* Read the full Day Four scribe – Day Four – I Am You

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Day Five – I Am You

Ella had a dream this morning . . .

What’s uncanny about this is that Ella rarely dreams.

She’s noticed this since childhood: she lays her head down upon her pillow – and instantly she falls asleep. Often, when she wakes in the morning, her body hasn’t moved at all. It hasn’t budged. She’s been so deep . . .

And what’s really enchanting about this is that, just yesterday, as she and I were feeling in to how best to reveal this story to you from here – we both had a sense that next, I’m to tell you of her recurring dreams.

So the synchronicity that a fresh, very rare dream has come in this morning – is neat!

* Read the full Day Five scribe – Day Five – I Am You

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Day Six – I Am You

There was another dream last night. Unbelievable! Like a ‘call and response’ . . .

Sort of a . . . ‘resolution’ of yesterday’s dream . . .

We’ll leave it at this for now 🙂

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Then she fell asleep again . . .

And she awoke to yet another dream . . . This one ended in her stating, strongly and clearly,

“Thank You. I Love You. You Are Amazing. And, Yes.”

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When she was a child, Ella’s impression of dreams is that they are the subconscious mind’s way of digesting and completing and cleaning up whatever has been unresolved in the previous day(s).

In later years – when the ‘prophetic’ dreams began – she would be awakened either during or at the end of these dreams – so she would consciously be aware of what was happening in and through them.

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Fourteen nights ago, she was awakened in the pitch black of night . . .

The message was simple: she was given the energetic, very clear sense – as if she was remote viewing[1]that her recent request to meet with His Holiness the Dalai Lama again . . . it was now ‘open’ . . . and it was being actively considered by ‘the committee’ that His current Private Secretary had spoken of . . .

[1] The ability to see via ‘third eye’ awareness what is taking place ‘somewhere else’ . . .

* Read the full Day Six scribe – Day Six – I Am You

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Day Seven – I Am You

The extreme concerns about her weight began in grade ten.

It wasn’t that she ‘intended’ to become anorexic. No one ever does.

It just ‘happened’ . . .

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Ella wasn’t a competitive child – ever. She languished in her own curiosities – loving to romp in the forest, exploring close up the insects she’d see, peering to locate the birds she’d hear, slowing to a silent stillness in the presence of a deer . . .

She loved being in the forest . . .

She loved school, too 🙂 She had an insatiable appetite for learning – and no subject she was presented with held any less intrigue.

Among her favorite ‘sujets’ was French. It was the ‘poésie’ of how French people described ‘around’ the words the magic and the mystery of what they were desiring to express that captivated her – like words themselves were a bubbling brook.

And Literature – how playwrights, and novelists, and essayists ‘thought’ . . . How they clustered their ideas, finding the most streamlined nuances via which to express their innermost musings and their richly contemplative reflections.

* Read the full Day Seven scribe – Day Seven – I Am You

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Day Eight – I Am You

Sensitivities. We all have them – it’s just that some of us pave them over.

Ella was always a sensitive child. She could feel so much ‘beyond the physical’, that sometimes she wondered, ‘Why?’ . . .

The first time she noticed that she was a little ‘different’ this way, was when other kids placed – in absolute glee – pennies on the railroad track where it crossed the road near the school. They would step back – safe enough to not be blown to smithereens by the intensity of the freight train as it rumbled by. And they would wait.

They would wait – until the train had passed, and the pennies had cooled (some brave boy would always step forward first – as if an initiation, a rite of passage – and test the pennies ‘sizzle’ – with his fingers or, if there was a girl about whom he liked, sometimes, even with his tongue) . . .

And then, giggling and bravado filled (depending upon their gender), they would rollick away, their flattened pennies like prize possessions safely tucked away in pockets.

Ella never joined in this.

Being that, as the train and its incredible weight pressed relentlessly upon the prone pennies . . . she could hear them scream . . .

This was likely the first of a series of experiences that taught Ella – that reminded her – that everything is alive . . . That everything has ‘spirit’ in it . . . That someday, some glorious day – just like Pinocchio’s toys – someday everything . . . everything will come to life . . .

* Read the full Day Eight scribe – Day Eight – I Am You

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Day Nine – I Am You

Where I was shy . . . Ella was terrified.

One evening, as we were sitting in our favorite restaurant, Rumi, I was going on about how – backstage and offstage – the tenors would make moves on the sopranos . . . And how I was getting so tired, of feeling like just a piece of flesh . . . When I noticed that Ella’s eyes had suddenly glazed over – as if she was a deer caught in headlights.

I could have made lots of assumptions right then – like how maybe, she’d had sex with a guy, and was too embarrassed to tell me about it. Or . . .

I decided, instead, to ask.

What Ella spilled was not at all what I expected. She was such a ‘high achiever’. I would never have guessed this.

She hadn’t remembered ‘the abuse’, yet.

But what she did know . . . was that something ‘wasn’t right’.

Occasionally, she said – with nothing particular to prompt it – she would get this strange, eerie feeling . . . of something, ‘chalky, white’ . . . at the back of her throat . . .

She had absolutely no clue what this was.

She was this virginal, in the ways of sex.

So when I suggested that we ‘change our venue, and find a more private place to meet’, we began to go for walks.

And that’s when she spilled.

Something loosened up in her, as she was moving her body, that began to let the demons out. I could feel the relief inside her, like a great dam, finally giving way. I walked beside her, mostly silent. I just listened. And I beamed to her love.

I had had no idea – nor had she – the depth and atrocity, of what she had lived through. It was only as she began to crack the surface, that the misery could burst through.

She said that she’d been feeling – for several years now – a deep sadness, “Really deep”. Deep – like waters, barely approachable. Deep, and murky, underneath.

I held her in my heart, as we ambled sometimes for hours. I just let her ramble. I just let her speak.

She called it – after some time of, “loosening up, and always feeling better in your presence” . . . she called it, ‘thawing out’.

She said it felt like she’d been a huge, solid, hard block of ice inside. So hard, that nothing could penetrate her. And she had often . . . wondered ‘why’?

* Read the full Day Nine scribe – Day Nine – I Am You

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Day Ten – I Am You

She began to find her ‘voice’, so to speak, before the memories began to spill.

It was as if – she had to exorcise the demons, out – so that she could let the Light, memories in . . .

She had to remember . . . in order to remember . . .

This is how she grew her courage. This is how she grew her ‘faith’ . . .

She had a faint inkling – a persistent yet gentle inner sense – a subtle ‘knowing’ . . . That most people fear the former . . . And so they never have a chance . . . to get near the latter . . . They fear what they ‘think might lurk inside of them’ . . . And they never venture . . . to find it out . . .

She became a map maker at an early age – a way shower, of ‘how it’s done’. Not because she wanted to, or intended to. Just because . . . this is how it all spilled forth. This was how . . . her script was ‘writ’.

* Read the full Day Ten scribe – Day Ten – I Am You

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Day Eleven – I Am You

This is the synchronicity of ‘magic’, awake in Ella’s life 🙂

She notices these things . . . She allows these things . . . She welcomes these things . . .

Yesterday evening, Ella was invited to relax into and be nourished in the presence of a community of yoga teachers-in-training. She graciously accepted.

‘Discerning and trusting the essence – without needing to know the details’ – it turns out this was a lecture presented by a Naturopathic Doctor about the endocrine system.

What magnetically lured Ella’s interest – for the first time ever in her life – are the ways the naturally secreted hormones masterfully direct the intricate stages of a woman’s ovulation, her preparation for conception, gestation of a fetus, breastfeeding of the wee soul, et al . . .

When the N.D. carried on, sharing this compelling info, Ella was ultra rapt: A woman’s mother’s mother already has in her – and passes through her via the next generation to the next – all of the eggs this young woman will carry in her lifetime. She receives them from her maternal grandmother!

And furthermore . . . once all of her eggs have either dropped via her fallopian tubes during ovulation – or they have naturally died within her – she enters menopause.

Hmmm . . . Ella’s ‘connect-a-dots’ were ticking . . .

A guest in this class, she politely queried, “May I ask a question?”

She was greeted with a welcoming smile.

“I was amenorrheic[1] – and also anorexic – and very, very physically active – which I still am . . . Does this mean that I will likely menstruate into later years than most women do – because there were so many years when I wasn’t ‘dropping eggs’?”

“Yes”, was the reply. “This is likely true.”

Fascinating . . . Very fascinating . . .

[1] The absence of menstrual periods in a woman of reproductive age . . .

* Read the full Day Eleven scribe – Day Eleven – I Am You

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Day Twelve – I Am You

Nelson . . . Diana . . . Mohan[1]

Ella had another dream last night . . . She who never dreams!

Why is there such a flurry?

Because . . . we are scribing this . . .

Her only ‘unanswered question – in all of this’ . . . is . . . “On what level of consciousness . . . are the people who are ‘waking up . . . and actively participating’ . . . actually conscious that they are?”

Is it them ‘at this level of awakeness’?

Or is it them ‘slightly higher up’?

On a simple level – it doesn’t matter . . .

We each and every one of us are a ‘shaft – of sacred consciousness’ . . .

I asked Ella to explain this to me – so I can better express it, to you (and me!) . . .

It’s like this:

Our subconscious (that which we are attuned to – on ‘subliminal levels’ – yet are withholding from our own astute awakeness . . . call this our ego ‘protecting’ us . . . from what it senses might be overwhelming, for us to ‘know’) . . .

This ‘level’ – of our own consciousness – exists ‘inside the physical us’ . . .

Then ‘outside of us – just beyond our physical selves’ . . . is a ‘shaft’ . . . of ‘all that we are’ . . .

This ‘shaft’ . . . which is essentially our ‘super consciousness’ . . . is directly connected . . . with the ‘collective consciousness’ . . . that which Carl Jung[2] was discovering and gradually yet swiftly disclosing – particularly shortly before he died . . .

Did you know? That he knew everything he wrote in his book Synchronicity – years before he published it? And yet he held it back?

The story goes that he did so until near his death – out of fear that he might be outcast in his scientific community of ‘peers’ if he spoke openly about it – simply because it ‘shattered the box’ – the box of limited thinking that was the ‘reign’ at the time[3] . . .

And so he took the leap . . . and he published his essential ‘findings’ . . . just prior . . . to his ‘death’ . . .

Wow. So I invite you to contemplate, simply this: There is so much . . . that we are all attuned to . . . that we aren’t ‘conscious . . . that we are conscious of’ . . . quite . . . ‘yet’! . . .

[1] Ella is a ‘toothpick in the cake test’ . . . She is fully conscious that it may be ‘dangerous’ . . . for us to state these names – today, or ‘ever’ . . . . . . And yet . . . it is through the ‘flushing out, of potential weaponry’ and the ‘alkalinizing, of lead and steel’ ….. that we can stand, tall as ‘One Sibling’ . . . . . and see the ‘Light’, and naught ‘The Fall’ 🙂 ………………

[2] The Swiss psychoanalyst who was a prodigy of Sigmund Freud – until he ‘left’ and launched into his own deep and revelatory explorations of ‘how the human psyche works’ . . .

[3] The scientific community is (unfortunately) known for its restrictive domineering of ‘what is real’ . . . Researchers who discover something ‘new – and worldview shattering’ – rather than being welcomed, and nurtured, with rapt curiosity and openness, recognized as being among the ‘new leaders, of evolving thought’ – historically have instead been habitually outcast and riddled and sometimes even denounced . . . It has sadly too often been perceived as a ‘threat’ to those in power – for world views – the ways we think of ‘what is real’ – hold tremendous power – like ‘God’ . . . And so to allow ‘new’ ideas . . . to crack open the ‘shell’ . . . and Let . . . New . . . Light . . . In . . . has been slow and rare . . . Such has been true, with so many brilliantly innovative thinkers . . . Some of these continue to exist and thrive, as Carl Jung did, ‘just outside the norm’ . . .

* Read the full Day Twelve scribe – Day Twelve – I Am You

🙂 If you are feeling inspired – or you are experiencing any challenge, whatsoever, in getting into the ‘rhythm’, the lilt, the musical cadence, of today’s scribe – consider listening to an Audio Recording of it . . . This will assist you – including as you read future days’ scribes – to truly, thoroughly, richly receive its benefits! . . . Click here – and scroll down to ‘Day Twelve’ . . . Enjoy!

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Days One to Twelve ‘and beyond’ were initially scribed beginning January 2015 as Water Lillies and are being refined and ‘tuned’ for their publication here 🙂

In essence, both ‘books’ are being scribed now simultaneously – in two inter-related ‘octaves’!

We’ll do our best to let you know ‘real-time’ what is being published where and when!

If you wish, you can ‘get a head start’!

Read the highly ‘coded’ version – resembling Shakespeare’s ‘First Folio’ and Chaucer’s ‘original writings’ – scribed as Water Lillies – the story of an Elongation – the story of a Waking Up . . .

Or be patient! And await the widely readable ‘prose’ version – right here, once the ‘Completion’ is writ!

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* We’d like to hear from you! Please share – what you are experiencing as you are reading I Am You, what is most inspiring to you, anything that you would like clarified – whatever you feel moved to express! . . . Share your ideas publicly in the ‘Comments’ area on the Home page or privately with us in the ‘Contact’ area below 🙂

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